Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Your'e Income Is the Average of Five Friend's Salaries

75% of millionaires are first generation immigrants who came to America with no money and spoke hardly English but are successful...why? because they had a belief that they could do anything in America because it is the land of opportunity. What IS your belief? Dream?

This blog is about finding your dream...and then living it. But your Why has to be greater than your How... because when that happens it doesn't matter how to do just simply do. One of secrets of accelerating the law of attraction is "loving what you do."

Secret Of the Ultra-Rich: Love What YOU Do!

What do you love to do and why do you want to have others have the same opportunity? Because it is about leveraging yourself by helping others help themselves. This is what is going to be as the future of humankind working in a position that involves the "mind."

You have to care, but not too much is another key to accelerating the law of attraction. It is in the knowing that this will be resolved, whatever maybe the issue or concern, that is stopping you from advancing forward with your success or happiness. This is how the ultra-rich confront their issues because, these individuals "know" but at the same time do not know how...they know why it is essential to do that which is important...that some call the "sweet spot." Of course, this can be called anything. I like to call it my Friday essence. As a younger man my Friday essence was about going out on dates, eating, drinking and being merry, not because tomorrow you would die...but that I had to be with the in-crowd. I really wasted a lot of time "partying" with friends who were only friends when you had money...

YOU Are the Average of Five Friend's Salaries

Now I consider that your income is the average of your five best friends...but if your friends are making only $20,000 a are not worth $100,000.00 because there is no share in the total revenue. Not to worry, because that is why people gravitate to affiliate and network marketing and as an individual you can "leverage" this revenue based on partitioning.

Time and Money and Freedom

The big difference is that when to use these two business models... you can start small but build big. The best part is the residual income...this income is made one time...but you continue to receive commissions because of others in your organization. So this now accelerates the law of attraction and the average of five friends now becomes a possibility. Network marketing is called a mini-entrepreneurship that one can start part-time and progress to full-time. In future blogs I will be discussing on these two business models for you to consider as an alternative to a J.O.B (just over broke).

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